
Trace Heritage is an emerging heritage consultancy specialising in small scale projects across Sydney and Greater NSW.

We work with property owners, designers, planners and developers to ensure meaningful heritage and design outcomes on a diverse range of places and sites.

Trace Heritage proudly offers high-quality delivery of services including, but not limited to:

  • Statements of Heritage Impact / Heritage Impact Statement (SOHI or HIS)

  • Conservation Management Plans (CMP)

  • Heritage Interpretation Strategies

  • Statements of Environmental Effects (SEE)

  • Archival Recordings and Documentation

  • Measured plans and 3D modelling

  • Historical Research and Design Advice

Download our capability statement here.

Members of our team have contributed to conservation policy and management of projects ranging from small scale interventions, to sites of international significance, and have experience working in professional consultant roles in both private and public sectors.

Rather than simply seeking compliance, we aim to challenge conventions and champion exciting and high quality architectural design interventions that are consistent with evolving best practice principles.

For residential properties classified as a ‘Contributing Item’ or located within a ‘Heritage Conservation Area’, typically a Statement of Heritage Impact (SOHI) must form part of any Development Application (DA) lodged with the local council, along with a Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) and other documentation.
